Wearable Art Youth Summer Camp
Regular price $410.00TOTAL COST: $410
Course Fee: $400
Non-refundable Material Fee: $10
TIME: 10:00AM – 3:00PM PDT
LEVEL: Beginner to Advanced
AGE GROUP: Youth (ages 10-17)
LOCATION: Building 324C, Fort Worden, Port Townsend, WA.
Wearable Art is not fashion, it is sculpture on the body. This camp will cover the basics from making skull caps to shin pads, even building wire harnesses for the larger sculptural frameworks with a surprise package challenge. This year, campers will be given a unique bag of materials with the challenge of creating wearable art from what they have in front of them!
Wearable art involves design and construction techniques that consider movement and safety. Using a sewing awl on cardboard, hot glue, staplers and duck tape, we will make a sturdy construction that campers can use again and again. We will talk about presentation, movement, and how to incorporate surprise elements. A variety of materials like paper, fabric, cardboard, wire, streamers, foil, plastic, vinyl, sticks, string, ribbons, foam, vegetable net bags, plastic odds and ends, and more will be available in the classroom and students are welcome to bring materials.
Campers will learn acrylic paint techniques to enhance our pieces, figure out how to manipulate various materials to make a wearable art creation that is wildly imaginative, and possibly get a chance at the sewing machine if that is of interest. All participants are invited to parade with PT Artscape at the Uptown Festival in August! Each year campers leave this course with beautifully crafted and creative wearable art sculptures and a new lens through which to see the world around them. It is always a blast! Margie McDonald and Michele Soderstrom have collaborated on this class three times already with fabulous results!
All required art supplies are provided with support from our generous donors.
After registration, course details are available via the Northwind Art School learning portal, including all forms and documents outlining our youth program policies.
Fiber artist Margie McDonald is a founder of Port Townsend Wearable Art Show and has shown her work at WOW New Zealand, the biggest wearable show in the world. Margie is a sculptor and wearable art artist and teacher, she is a costume and set designer at Key City Public Theater. Port Townsend, New Zealand and Hollywood have seen Margie's wearable art creations on the runway. She has taught wearable art construction from her native Newfoundland to most teaching venues in Port Townsend.
The horse pasture was Michele Soderstrom's grand studio as a child. Self taught, for hours she sat sketching her horse as it grazed. Michele has a BA in Visual Arts Teaching, minor in Studio Art, through Central Washington University, and is an award-winning artist with her equine art. She has taught creativity through art since 2008. Today she paints and sells work professionally. Michele enjoys watching the process of her high school students as they gain art making skills and find their place within personal creativity.
Artist website: Margie McDonald, @margiem_art, Michele Soderstrom, @horsepainter9
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Don's Pharmacy offers 10% discount for Northwind Art School students.
CANCELLATION POLICYIf Northwind Art has to cancel a course for any reason, all enrolled students will receive a 100% refund (including any materials fee).
Students who withdraw from a course at least seven days prior to its first meeting will receive a 90% refund (less any materials fee).
Students withdrawing fewer than seven days from the first day of class are not eligible for a refund except in the case of illness or injury, in which case they are eligible to receive a 40% refund (less any materials fee).
Please note that 10% of every course’s registration fee is considered to be a non-refundable deposit in cases of withdrawal to cover administrative overhead.All refunds will be applied to the same credit card that was used for enrollment. No credits or transfers will be granted. Please contact registrar@northwindart.org for more information.