Mastering Layers in Abstract Art
Mastering Layers in Abstract Art
Mastering Layers in Abstract Art
Mastering Layers in Abstract Art
Mastering Layers in Abstract Art

Mastering Layers in Abstract Art

MARCH 28, 29 & 30

Regular price $555.00
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Only 1 spot(s) left

Course Fee: $525
Non-refundable Materials Fee: $30 (some materials are student-provided, see Supply Info below)

TIME: 9:30AM – 4:30PM PDT 
Beginner to Advanced
Adult (ages 18+)
Building 324, Fort Worden, Port Townsend. 


Have you ever walked into an art supply store and wondered what all those different products of pastes, gels, and mediums were for? They are all colorless jars, but with the knowledge gained in this class they will become your superpower to make intriguing textured art with transparent and translucent layers. Join Sandra Duran Wilson in one of her last workshops she will be offering before she retires from teaching in this dynamic three-day class and harness the power and complexity of layering, building textures, and revealing the mystery of buried layers. Each day will involve demonstrations and plenty of time to experiment, along with guided encouragement. Together participants will share their successes and struggles, and Sandra will also work individually to assist you in giving voice to your personal style.

Bring your own collage papers and learn how to incorporate them into your layers of acrylics. Use the gels and pastes to glue, embed, veil, and resurrect the architecture of your background. You will learn which gel will veil to create mystery, what product creates a beautiful wax-like surface, and how to combine the layers to create incredible depth. Sandra will share three of her favorite quick starts to get your piece off to a great beginning.

Discover the visual trick of shading and shadows and learn the power of using dynamic contrasts to enhance your composition. In this workshop you will work on several pieces at a time because that is the key to creating successful layers: you must let the layers dry before building on top. Sandra will bring some special papers that can be used to make translucent layers. You may draw, write, or stamp on these papers and then embed them into your art.

Sandra loves working with papers, fibers, threads and some unusual fabrics to add to her art. She will show how to add these elements into your work by stitching them together and then adhering to the painting. Collage doesn’t have to be just paper. Artists can cut and paste many things including found objects.

One of the most challenging parts in painting is knowing where to go when you get lost or stuck, and figuring out when you are done. One of Sandra's gifts as a teaching artist is being able to look at your work with fresh eyes and provide hints, tips, and direction. She asks you to bring in two pieces of your work that you are either stuck on, lost, or don’t know if it is finished or not. You will continue to finish with her support. The second piece could be the same situation, or maybe it is a piece that you thought was finished but on second look you aren’t sure. Bring that one along too, and get new directions.

When the critic is silenced, a masterpiece can emerge. Learn ways to scoot around the internal critic.

Students should bring the following:

  • Assortment of fluid acrylic paint and/or acrylic inks. A few of your favorite colors plus black and white. Bring what you have.
  • Brushes from small to up to 2 inches.
  • Palette knife (Sandra likes to use a trowel shaped knife).
  • Golden Gloss Medium (make sure it is gloss). This is a fluid medium. You will also bring gel. They are two different products.
  • Golden or similar brand of soft or regular gel (either matte or gloss, your preference).
  • Molding or modeling paste.
  • Paper towels.
  • Spray bottle for alcohol and spray bottle for water.
  • Gloves or barrier cream for your hands if you like.
  • Something to take notes with.
  • Bring two paintings that you feel need work and you would like direction on how to add to them. We will paint over parts, add on, cover up and reveal to finish the pieces. Sandra will demonstrate how to stitch papers and fabrics and add them to your art. If you wish to do that as well bring some fabric, needle and thread.
  • Optional supplies:
    • Oil pastels, paint markers, pens, pencils or other mark making tools.
    • A picture or photo you may want to trace over.
    • Palette paper or plastic plates for mixing paints or inks.
All other required materials and supplies are provided with the non-refundable materials fee.

After registration, course details are available via the Northwind Art School learning portal. 
Learn more

Sandra Duran Wilson is an international award-winning artist whose work is guided by scientific principles. She also has synesthesia, a crossing of the senses. Sounds appear as colors; numbers sing songs and frequencies dance in her head. She creates work based on certain music, sounds and concepts. Having earned both degrees in art and in cognitive science from the University of New Mexico, the artist has always viewed the world from a multitude of perspectives. Sandra has written six books on acrylic painting and mixed media art techniques, lectured at art associations and written articles for national magazines. She is a lifelong explorer and loves to share her experiments. Her favorite title is Inspiration Instigator.

Artist Website: Sandra Duran Wilson, @sandraduranwilson

This course is eligible for a 10% member discount at the Supporter level and beyond. 
Get a membership today!

Don's Pharmacy and Art Toolkit in Port Townsend offer Northwind Art School students a 10% discount on art supplies.

If Northwind Art has to cancel a course for any reason, all enrolled students will receive a 100% refund (including any materials fee).

Students who withdraw from a course at least seven days prior to its first meeting will receive a 90% refund (less any materials fee). 

Students withdrawing fewer than seven days from the first day of class are not eligible for a refund except in the case of illness or injury, in which case they are eligible to receive a 40% refund (less any materials fee).

Please note that 10% of every course’s registration fee is considered to be a non-refundable deposit in cases of withdrawal to cover administrative overhead. All refunds will be applied to the same credit card that was used for enrollment. No credits or transfers will be granted. 

Please email if you wish to withdraw or for more information.

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